Staff Level Information

Want to become a pro-staff member for Thompson’s Custom Lures? Want to boast to your buddies about your lure sponsor and hookup? Listed below are three levels of staff for Thompson’s Custom Lures - field, pro, and elite. Each level has their own respective discount as well as other perks. 


Field staff receive a moderate discount on all products as well as access to our field staff Facebook page where you can post your catches, chat with other staff, and earn your way up to pro and elite staff. Upon purchase or acceptance, you will receive a custom discount code to use at checkout to receive your discounts. Field staff also receive a few “random baits or tackle” of Joey Thompson’s choice with your field staff package! This field staff package costs $35.00 and is a one time fee. Becoming field staff allows you to earn your way up to pro and elite without purchasing those packages.


Everyone wants to be pro staff for an awesome outdoor company, right? You’ve surpassed field and are now a pro. You want to represent the brand, get that better discount, and show off your fishing skills. The pro staff package includes a pro staff team page to chat with other pro staffers, a generous discount on all products, a hat, and “random baits or tackle” of Joey Thompson’s choice. This package is a $60.00 one time fee. 


This is the highest tier within Thompson’s Custom Lures. As an elite staff member you receive a ridiculous discount code for all of your products, a hat, t shirt, decal, and “random baits or tackle” of Joey Thompson’s choice. Elite staff are the most advanced anglers, knowledgeable staffers, and dedicated group to the company. This status can be earned by a pro staff member without purchase through dedication, respect, and spreading the TCL name. Elite staff will have a Facebook messenger chat to keep up with other staff members as well as access to pro staff & field staff’s (if desired) messenger/page to help others and be proactive. This package totals at $90.00 and is a one time fee.